Cheadle Catholic Junior School
Emotional Well- being and Mental Health
The Well-Being Team at CCJS
At Cheadle Catholic Juniors we are committed to ensuring the well-being of every child so that they are healthy in Mind, Body and Spirit. It has been well documented that when children are worried and anxious this can become a barrier to learning. Therefore, at CCJS we have introduced a well-being team to encourage children to talk about any worries, develop resilience in dealing with problems and nurture positive self-esteem and relationships.
Our PSHE Co-ordinator works alongside the SENCO to ensure that Emotional Well-being is at the heart of the Whole-School Curriculum and that it is tailored and adapted so that all children can access it . This can be through one to one sessions, whole-class PSHE lessons and curriculum, Rainbow groups with a small group of pupils and whole school initiatives including Mental Health days, assemblies and exciting projects.
As well as this, our Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner, Mrs Rezzano, is trained in counselling skills and supports children in many ways including regular sessions, drop-ins and play/ art therapy. Please do ask if you feel that your child would benefit at all from Mrs Rezzano's expertise.
We also have an open door policy and hope that all the children feel that they have people that they can speak to if they need to talk.
Please continue to check this page for details of any work, whole school projects and initiatives and new updates regarding Emotional-Well-being in School.
Meet the team
Mrs Bird- Safeguarding officer, PSHE & pastoral lead
Mrs Rezzano- Emotional wellbeing practitioner
Mrs Warwick- SENCo/ Safe guarding officer
Our Well-being team now has an email address which you can use if you need to contact someone.