Cheadle Catholic Junior School
Catholic Life and Mission
Our Parishes
Cheadle Catholic Junior School serves the three main parishes of Christ Church, St Chad's and St Ann's (Fr. Louis Charuvila Pappy) who each play a vital role in the governance of the school. Children also attend from St Vincent De Paul's parish in Bramhall.
The school, through its pupils, its staff and its governors, strives to be a positive force in the life of the Church. It initiates its pupils into a living tradition of faith and maintains the highest ideals with the national educational system. The school seeks to be a witness to the Church and a servant to the Community. Its aim is to work in partnership with parents and parishes to develop each child as a unique being, spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically, to educate the child in the broadest meaning of education.
The governors have a responsibility for the effective management of the school, acting within the framework set by national legislation and by the policies of the local education authority, together with guidance from the Diocesan education authorities. They, too, seek to serve the community and are answerable to you, as parents, for their actions.
Religious Affiliation
The work of the School is conducted in accordance with the Rites, Practices and Observances of the Roman Catholic Church. We expect that all children admitted to school will take a full and active part in the religious life of the school. Parents wishing to withdraw their child/children from religious instruction and worship, in accordance with the provisions of Section 25 of the 1933 Education Act, must make arrangements with the governing body.
Religious instruction is given according to the doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church. A programme called ‘The Way, the Truth and the Life’ is used throughout the school, as recommended for all schools in the Shrewsbury Diocese. It takes full account of the age and development of the children.
Our parish priests are in close contact with the school and they lead our regular celebrations of class, school masses and penitential services. Children share fully in preparing and celebrating the liturgies. A programme of assemblies involving year groups and whole school take place each week during which children play an active role.
Our school and our parishes are located in the Diocese of Shrewsbury, whose Bishop is The Right Reverend Bishop Mark Davies. The School's Commission and other diocesan services are administered from:
Shrewsbury Diocese Curial Offices
2, Park Road South
CH43 4UXTelephone: 0151 652 9855
Here in school, children have an active prayer life and pray for others. Our pupils feel a real sense of belonging at our school and understand that our shared faith is what brings us here. They participate in prayer daily and lead prayer in their classes.
Our mission is developed and regularly revisited through our Mission dan Vision days to ensure that we continue to do the best that we can to promote the faith in our children’s lives - our mission is lived!
Through their contributions to the wider community children understand the necessity to help others in need.
Please use the following link to find out more about our Faith Council - Pupil Faith Leaders