Cheadle Catholic Junior School
Extra-Curricular Opportunities
The school is delighted to offer a wide range of activities to the children both during and after the school day in order to further enhance their learning. We employ specialist Music and computing teachers who works in school daily to support the delivery of our curriculum. Opportunities currently on offer include:
- Singing & performance
- Multi-skills
- Netball
- Sewing
- Gardening
- Computing
- Football
- Fitness
- Arts and crafts
We also offer music tuition including violin, piano and guitar lessons.
To enrich our children's learning opportunities and experiences both within and beyond the school gates - Time to Shine Parallel Curriculum
Cross country - https://twitter.com/CheadleRCJnr/status/1571075261822816257?s=19
In addition to music lessons, every child in the school is learning to play an instrument
School games award
Leading PE at the Infant School