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Cheadle Catholic Junior School

Faith pupil leaders

This term, the Faith Council will be observing and evaluating our whole school and phase assemblies. They will work collaboratively to build on the positive elements of our assemblies and consider ways to enhance the experience and allow the children to develop and grow as they continue along their Faith journey. During our assemblies, the children have the opportunity to think for themselves, discuss ideas with their peers (Article 12 - respect for children's views) and share their responses (Article 13 - sharing our thoughts freely) with the rest of the school. We read the weekly Gospel, consider its significance to the world today and think about the way it can affect our lives for the better (Article 14 - freedom of thought and religion).


 Our Faith councillors will be wearing badges in the shape of a dove this academic year (2023-24). This symbolises the peace and harmony that they will be striving for in our school and is also a representation of the Holy Spirit - which will be a source of strength and guidance throughout the year.

The views of the children are one of our key indicators when evaluating the effectiveness of our approaches in school. The children are very proud of THEIR school and they are keen to be part of our monitoring and evaluating process.

This term our Faith leaders are joining in our Book study with Mrs York as part of our regular self-evaluation. 

So far they have looked at:-

- how teachers build upon prior learning 

- how we support pupils in planning their own collective worship 

- how we challenge the more able