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Cheadle Catholic Junior School


The Mini Vinnies is a St Vincent de Paul group at primary school. The Cheadle Catholic Mini Vinnies, which is open to children in Year 5 and 6, has been active since 2012.

Year 6 children take it in turns to lead the meeting, which focuses on the Gospel for the following Sunday, after which there is some reflection and prayer. We then discuss ideas for helping others in need; there have been various different fundraising activities, including two very successful collections for the Chelwood Foodbank, guess the name of the dog competition and, most recently, selling rosary beads to raise funds for St Charles Lwanga School in Gambia and Francis House.

Each Mini Vinnie member makes the following pledge.

"As a member of Mini Vinnies, I promise to make a difference in my world by:

  • caring for, respecting and loving myself.
  • strengthening my friendship with Jesus by talking to him each day and talking to others about him.
  • caring for others in my school and community by being a friend to those who are alone, in need or in trouble.
  • making my family happy by my help, respect and showing kindness and consideration.
  • caring for and enjoying God’s world.
  • treating others the way I would like them to treat me".