Cheadle Catholic Junior School
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Parent/Pupil Voice
Pupil voice in our school means a commitment to listening to the views and wishes of all our children and young people. It means placing value on what our children, young people and their families tell us about their experiences. As a school we ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to express themselves and have their voice heard.
With our SEND pupils, we follow the person centered approach which means that we put the pupil at the center of everything we do and look at them from a holistic point of view. The focus is on the person and what they can do, not their condition or disability. Our support focuses on achieving the person's aspirations and is tailored to their needs and circumstances. Any decisions about the pupils support and provision are discussed with parents and we very much want parents to work with us in providing the best support possible for their child.
Livvy, Year 6
'The adults are kind, smart and they help you when you need it and if you are worried they will help you. When I have an argument with my friends they will listen to me and help me'
Livvy particularly liked her annual review meeting last year as it was over Zoom so she got to sit on the sofa with her mum and dad and join in from her own house.
Ethan, Year 4
'Teachers are always there to help me. They help me by starting me off and then checking on me so that I am doing it right. I liked science this year, making poo and guitars and I want extra geography work to take home to do with my dad. I behave better now because my teachers help me to think about my actions more.'
Timmy, Year 6
Timmy aspires to be a 3D artist when he is older. He explained how CCJS is helping him to reach his aspirations.
'In 3D art you have to use textures. I have just helped my friend make a lighthouse based on a book we just read. We made it from card and that was like 3D art. It helped me be like a 3D artist because it was practical art. 3D art can be virtual too and when we do coding later in the year it will help me learn to be better at virtual art.'