Cheadle Catholic Junior School
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- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
'Children and young people may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties which may manifest themselves in many ways. These may include becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well as displaying challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour. These behaviours may reflect underlying mental health difficulties such as anxiety or depression, self- harming, substance misuse, eating disorders or physical symptoms that are medically explained. Other children and young people may have disorders such as attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder or attachment disorder.'
(Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice, September 2014)
At Cheadle Catholic Junior School we recognise that supporting our pupils Emotional Well- being and Mental Health is a huge part of ensuring that children are involved in the full life of the school and are able to reach their full potential. We want our pupils and their families to feel happy, safe, valued and also resilient.
For several years we have been working hard to make emotional Well- being a priority and to embed the message of healthly emotional well- being through out our curriculum and school ethos. We have set up a Well- being team which consists of staff members through the school, who come together to offer a a range of different ideas and support to our pupils. As well as having regular lessons around emotional well being, we also have whole school focused weeks and individual classroom displays as a visual reminder of the schools well- being moto 'Happy mind, happy me'.
For those pupils who need more individual support, we have an Emotional Well- being Teaching Assistant and an Emotive Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) who can do group sessions or 1:1 work where appropriate.
(More information about Emotional Well- being can be found on the Well- being part of the website under 'curriculum' or through our well- being email address: well-being@cheadle-jun.stockport.sch.uk)
Where some children display challenging or disruptive behaviours and it is felt that an underlying need is not being meet, the SENDCo along with parents may decide to refer to outside agencies such as Healthy Young Minds (HYMs) or the Behaviour Support Service (BSS) to explore these behavious further. This may require the child to be given an SEN support plan if it is felt that they will require support above the normal classroom teaching. (Quality First Teaching)
School offer- Social, emotional and mental health
Below is the pyramid which outlines all the strategies and interventions to support all pupils at the three levels; universal, targeted and individualised.